
Are you a female leader in a school district, higher education organization, nonprofit, government agency and/or business?

Are you a male in a position of influence and power who can play a significant role as mentor, sponsor and/or ally for women in your organization?

If you answered yes, this is the panel for you.

Join us for a one-hour panel discussion featuring the authors of Leading While Female, Delores Lindsey, Stacie Stanley, Trudy Arriaga and the current student body president of MIT, Danielle Geathers. Our dynamic discussion will highlight the barriers women face on their leadership journey and the tangible next steps that can be taken to overcome these barriers.

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Leadership InHerShoes - Leading While Female

a Zoom Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

11:00 AM – Noon PDT

You can watch a recording of the panel below or to download a copy click this link:

Meet Our Panelists

Danielle Geathers, a rising junior mechanical engineering major at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the 2020-2021 student body President. She is the first black female. During her sophomore year at MIT, Danielle served as the UA’s Officer on Diversity and chaired its Community and Diversity Committee. She also served on the Institute’s Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid. Her efforts were recognized by the Office of Minority Programs with the Community Excellence Award.

She designed and launched, “Talented Ten,” a program to recruit more black women to MIT. She wrote grants, marketed the program, and evaluated over 170 applicants to identify 10 juniors with an interest in STEM for participation. In the fall, Talented Ten participants will be assisted with their applications to MIT. Geathers was awarded with scholarship from Coca-Cola, Foot Locker, Lockheed Martin and Burger King. She is also a National AP Scholar and a 2018 Silver Knight Award Winner. Also, Danielle was 1 of 4 women chosen nationally to receive the Women and Girls in Soccer Scholarship and was named the 2018 Miami-Dade County Female Scholar Athlete of the Year.

Meet Our Panelists

Danielle Geathers, a rising junior mechanical engineering major at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) is the 2020-2021 student body President. She is the first black female. During her sophomore year at MIT, Danielle served as the UA’s Officer on Diversity and chaired its Community and Diversity Committee. She also served on the Institute’s Committee on Undergraduate Admissions and Financial Aid. Her efforts were recognized by the Office of Minority Programs with the Community Excellence Award.

She designed and launched, “Talented Ten,” a program to recruit more black women to MIT. She wrote grants, marketed the program, and evaluated over 170 applicants to identify 10 juniors with an interest in STEM for participation. In the fall, Talented Ten participants will be assisted with their applications to MIT. Geathers was awarded with scholarship from Coca-Cola, Foot Locker, Lockheed Martin and Burger King. She is also a National AP Scholar and a 2018 Silver Knight Award Winner. Also, Danielle was 1 of 4 women chosen nationally to receive the Women and Girls in Soccer Scholarship and was named the 2018 Miami-Dade County Female Scholar Athlete of the Year.

follow up sessionS

Male & Female Equity Leaders:
Allies for Access

Thursday - August 6, 2020
5:00PM - 6:00PM PDT

Featuring Dr. Ken Magdelano, Executive Director of The Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research and Dr. Delores Lindsey, coauthor of Leading While Female, will engage in a conversation about the importance of men and women as mentors and sponsors of female leaders. Delores and Ken are experienced mentors and coaches for interrupting the current system of gender inequities. Bring your questions and comments to the conversation.

Leading While Female as a Superintendent in Flats or Heels

Friday - August 14, 2020
11:00AM - 12:00PM PDT

77% of the teachers in this nation are female, yet only 24% of the superintendents are female.  Dr. Trudy Arriaga, Dr. Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana and Dr. Michele Bowers will facilitate this session to explore the reasons for the compelling and concerning data as we highlight 3 successful female superintendents. How did they secure the position and how did they sustain their leadership roles as superintendents despite the odds?  This session will focus on how to overcome the barriers of gender equity at the executive leadership level for aspiring and current executive leaders.

Rocking the Interview to
Shatter the Glass Ceiling

September 17, 2020
2:45PM - 3:45PM PDT

Thomas May, HR Executive Director & Dr. Stacie Stanley, Co-Author of Leading While Female:  A Culturally Proficient Response for Gender Equity will share effective techniques that women (including women of color) can use to break through that glass ceiling!  Explore how making your way through the final interview is the key to obtaining the leadership position you desire. 

Meet Our Moderator

Cheryl Hibbeln is the Founder and President of IlluminatED Collective, a group of transformative educational consultants who partner with business, nonprofit, higher education and school districts to support strategic planning and change management in service of equitable outcomes for all. Cheryl spent over twenty years in the San Diego Unified School District where as a principal she was part of the successful transformation of a large urban high school into four award winning small schools, and as an executive director where she designed efforts to align the district graduation requirements to the UC entry course requirements, expanded the dual enrollment program with the colleges, and redesigned secondary master schedule efforts. Cheryl knows what it takes to lead diverse district teams to achieve challenging systemic efforts in service of equity. In addition, Cheryl built impactful partnerships with business/industry, philanthropic, higher education, nonprofit and cross-district leaders to design transformative experiences for students across the city of San Diego.

Cheryl’s contributions to the work in San Diego Unified has been highlighted in several recent reports including the LCFF Case Study: Giving Learning & Graduation New Meaning: One Student at a Time (UCLA), the San Diego Positive Outliers Case Study (LPI), ERS Districts at Work Series: San Diego School District: Building Paths to Graduation for Every Student, and the SDUSD Board Select Committee on Graduation Standards and Strategies. In addition to her extensive large urban school district experience, Cheryl has recently participated in National Institute for School Leadership (NISL) and National Equity Project professional development opportunities.
Cheryl holds an MA in Education from Chapman University, a BA in Literature and Writing Studies from California State University, San Marcos, and Professional Clear Administrative and Teaching Credentials from the California Commission on Teacher Credentialing.

Leadership InHerShoes - Leading While Female

a Zoom Panel Discussion

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

11:00 AM – Noon PDT

To watch a recording of the panel or download a copy click this link: