Cultural Proficiency for Our Current Civil Rights Movement

This Epoch Life podcastUncategorized

We are happy to share our recent appearance on the This Epoch Life podcast.

This Epoch Life podcast discusses topics related to our diverse world and how to build inclusion. Guests share their lived experiences to enhance listeners’ awareness of different perspectives coming from diverse identities. [read more...]

COVID-19 Focuses the Magnifying Glass on Equity

Bess ScottUncategorized

On March 19, a friend sent me this prayer posted by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisville.

Prayer posted by the Ursuline Sisters of Louisvill

It resonated deeply in my soul and intensified the social justice “why” of my life’s work.  You see, I am a 36-year public school educator, a servant leader, a Doane associate professor focused on helping other educators create people’s lives!  [read more...]

What? Can’t Find Yourself?

Martha Gould-LeheUncategorized

Life isn’t about finding yourself. Life is about creating yourself. George Bernard Shaw is credited with this quote. Creating your life takes courage, honesty, and hard work. Some do it quietly, with no one to applaud their journey. Others, by choice or a higher design, attract cheerleaders. [read more...]