Upcoming Events
Mon23Jul2018Thu26Jul20188 Days | 8:00AM - 3:00PMEscondido Union High School District – Board Room
The mission of Cognitive Coaching is to produce self-directed persons with the cognitive capacity for excellence both independently and as members of a community. The Workshop Highlights include: increasing consciousness and craftsmanship in applying interpersonal communication skills to develop tru [read more…]
Dr. Nancy Dome and Epoch Education is offering this topic as an online course of study through Epoch Academy and Seattle Pacific University (SPU) - EDCT and Brandman University - EDUU. Drs. Delores and Randall Lindsey are the instructors. Check this website for more information: https://store.epo [read more…]
Mon05Nov2018Wed07Nov20188:30AM - 4:00PMQLN Center in Oceanside
Please join us for a 3-phase, interactive, professional learning experience. Phase 1 focuses on understanding the 4 Tools of Cultural Proficiency as a response to educational and equity gaps. Outcomes from the professional learning experiences include: narrowing and closing access and education gaps [read more…]