Upcoming Events
Wed16Oct2019Sat08Feb20208:30 AM - 4:00 PMVisalia Unified School District
Tue28Jul202011:00AM - NOONa Zoom Panel Discussion
Join us for a one-hour panel discussion featuring the authors of Leading While Female, Delores Lindsey, Stacie Stanley, Trudy Arriaga and the current student body president of MIT, Danielle Geathers. Our dynamic discussion will highlight the barriers women face on their leadership journey and the ta [read more…]
Thu06Aug20205:00PM - 6:00PM PDT
Featuring Dr. Ken Magdelano, Executive Director of The Center for Leadership, Equity, and Research and Dr. Delores Lindsey, coauthor of Leading While Female, will engage in a conversation about the importance of men and women as mentors and sponsors of female leaders. Delores and Ken are experienced [read more…]
Fri14Aug202011:00AM - 12:00PM PST
77% of the teachers in this nation are female, yet only 24% of the superintendents are female. Dr. Trudy Arriaga, Dr. Thelma Meléndez de Santa Ana and Dr. Michele Bowers will facilitate this session to explore the reasons for the compelling and concerning data as we highlight 3 successful female su [read more…]
Thu17Sep20202:45PM - 3:45PM PDT
Thomas May, HR Executive Director & Dr. Stacie Stanley, Co-Author of Leading While Female: A Culturally Proficient Response for Gender Equity will share effective techniques that women (including women of color) can use to break through that glass ceiling! Explore how making your way through the f [read more…]